I'm Back, New Stuff
Well of all things I have not posted on this site since December 25, 2011, so it will be fun to get this site going again. I have some new companies that I am associated with now and they offer some gang buster new nutritional supplements that are very good. So, all future posts will come more timely, at least once a month, and have up to date facts and figures about great nutritional supplements. The good news is that each of these companies have products that are good for the heart and soul and come to you through whole foods. Mannatech is a 20 year old company that offers a synergistic line of glyco-nutritional products for the every day person, not just athletes. But it does offer a line of products for athletes from weekend warriors to professionals. Personally I have used the MaTech products for 15 years, so they are part of my secret for staying healthy and active. Body Health on the other hand specializes in products that will help athletes, but also people looking for alternative health care. Dr. Midkoff is a medical doctor that is very open minded to alternative medicines and procedures and has designed new products that are sold through his company. I have also used his products for triathlon training, especially for half and full Ironman events. In the future I have will talking about these products and how they may be used for better health.
Stay tuned!!!!