Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Secrets to Living to 114

During the past week the oldest man in the world died at the age of 114. Walter Breuining of Great Falls, Montana said that his philosophies of life started when he was very young and his earliest memories stretched back 111 years, before home entertainment came with a twist of the radio dial. They were of his grandfather’s tales of killing Southerners in the Civil War. Breuning was 3 and horrified: “I thought that was a hell of a thing to say.” But, the stories stuck and helped him to develop his own simple philosophies that guided him through out his life.

Here’s his secrets of a long life:

Embrace change, even when the change slaps you in the face, every change is good.

Eat two meals a day, that’s all you need.

Work as long as you can, that money’s going to come in handy.

Help others, the more you do for others, the better shape you’re in.

Thanks Mr. Breuining for the great example you set and for the exemplary words of wisdom.
