Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year, Again!!

Okay I know the end of the year is now history and we are fast moving along in the New Year. Trust me, time flies whether you are having fun or not. It just seems like a long minute ago I was sitting in my living room in Littlefield, Texas holding up a toast with all my good friends in celebration of my 16th birthday, now I am 71. My mother put that bash on for me and the strongest thing we drank was whole white milk. I had a photo of that day in my scrap book for a long time but now I can’t find it, oh well I know it happened and it further illustrates how we have got to take care of ourselves NOW and not later, because later comes faster than we expect. So here is the deal, I am going to go over some things I have already mentioned through the year that I know will make you healthier and have more fun and possibly throw in some things I haven’t mentioned.

No matter what anyone says, some form of exercise is good for you. You don’t have to run marathons, do triathlons or even exercise more than 4 times per week, but life can be higher quality and healthier if you do. Now again I will keep drilling it in, 3-4 times per week, 75% of your maximum heart rate, 20-30 minutes. Now along with that you are going to cut down on some of the calorie intake, possible staying at 2000-2200 calories per day of good food. Lots of fruits, vegetables, limited red meat and good fish oil (Omega 3), limited sugar, salt, flour or anything of this nature that is solid white. If you smoke then stop since it the most damaging practice you can do to your health. If you drink to the point of being so intoxicated that you slur your speech, can’t walk up right, and just generally make a fool of yourself, then evaluate this in your life. It is probably to an excess that it can be damaging. If you cannot fit in the airplane seat without a seat belt extension, can’t put the arm rest down, or hang over in excess with your fellow passengers then you need to look at yourself in the mirror and do something about it. Now remember anything that is in excess can be damaging to you, i.e. exercise, eating, drinking, lack of sleep, keeping yours in stressful situations, ignoring the annual physical exam, ignoring good advice, not taking advantage of quality time, not allowing for quality time, not keeping a balance in your life. Remember the word EXCESS!!

The other things I have talked about over the year concern the term “anti-aging” and as I have mentioned I don’t believe in this term or that it can be done. I am a firm believer in the practices and philosophies preached by Dr. Andrew Weil. He term is “healthy aging” and also says that there is no such thing as “anti-aging.” This myth is wide spread by those quacksters who try to convince you to buy more of their magic pill. On the other hand you can do many things to have healthy aging. Google Dr. Andrew Weil, MD and you will be enlightened.

You know when you go to a movie and you smell the popcorn and you just have to have some. Well there is some good news here; popcorn is really good for you. Researchers have proven that popcorn and other similar snack foods have the potential to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and other chronic diseases. Popcorn is a good source of fiber and also contains powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which remove free radicals from the body. My choice is a small regular coke, and small bag of popcorn with no butter. Putting heavy butter on it almost defeats the goodness. If you have to have the butter, just put it on at the top only. Then you have the butter taste all the way down. But, really it is healthier without it. For some home popcorn use the micro-wave oven type. It is very healthy.

Want to eliminate that belly fat (who doesn’t??)? Just start eating smarter by monitoring the foods that affect insulin production: sugar and carbohydrates. There is a new diet program based on this idea found in “The Belly Fat Cure.” You will be taught how to swap bad sugar and carb foods for healthier choices that keep insulin low and promote belly-fat loss. Without buying the book here are three things you can start doing now: 1. Eat no more than 15 grams of sugar daily (an apple has 12 grams of sugar), 2. Get more fiber into your diet, 3. Exercise for the right reasons, i.e. strengthen and tone muscles, relieve stress and to work the most important muscle in your body, the heart.

Now I am off to do a swim!! Happy New Year all year long!!

Mike Greer


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