Is exercise over emphasized, for any age?
Over the weekend I had a mature person of the female gender ask me how I do the exercise thing on such a routine or consistent basis? My answer to that is simple, but really takes a little explanation that can't be done in just a few words. First, I have a lot of respect for this person who ask me that question and I hate to see anyone compare themselves to anyone else, whether it be physical exercise or mental exercise. This person happens to be a very healthy human being both physically and mentally. But, what usually happens in this ole life is that we compare ourselves to others simply because that is just the way we are. It also seems that physical exercise is more enviable than mental exercise, so it just seems natural to look at those six packs, or slim waste and want that, NOW!! My experience tells me that the exercise thing is broken down into three categories: 1. Those that like to exercise and do it because they like it, not necessarily doing it for appearance or bulding muscles. They just like to sweat and the results from this happens to be the icing on the cake. 2. Those that discipline themselves to exercise because they do want the appearance thing to be there, but they also get the icing on the cake from exercising their heart muscle and gaining favorable results from that. 3. Those that say they want to exercise, plan on exercising, read all there is to read about it, maybe even try it for a while but just don't stick with it. Or they maybe reach certain heights with it, then back off to nothing. Over the years I have seen that in running, with people even going to the lengths of training for marathons, doing one, then dropping back to nothing. 4. Those that just say no way and people who are obsessed with exercise are stupid and into themselves. I don't like to sweat or even think about it. It is my feeling and always has been that all four categories are fine and if someone wants to be a 4 or a 2 that is their business. But, then when I see people get sick or have something wrong with them that they could correct with just a little change of the diet or exercise I get a little perturbed. Our country(USA) is not in good shape physically since the obesity level is around 40% for our children and not much different for adults. Mentally we are in equally as bad a shape with all the electronics taking over our life and no real thinking going on. I represent a company now that has all the electronics for communication you can imagine, but they have lost the skill of communicating. If one of their gizmos break down they are lost and can't figure out how to communicate.
Bottom line here is that I feel we should all sit back occasionally and re-think our position on exercise, look ourselves in the mirror and if we are happy with what we see then so be it. We now have more information on maintaining good health than ever before and in spite of ourselves the average age has grown in leaps and bounds. In the stone ages when man exercised everyday and maintained a vegetarian diet he lived to be about 26, now with all that we have in abundance of food and drink, little exercise, we live to be an average of 77. On a recent survey I did I found that I should live to be 92 while another site I did a similar questionaire it was 84. Regardless of which one it is I am committed to living life to the fullest, including exercise both physically and mentally. I will continue to do triathlons, bowl, ride the motorcycle, write this blog, work as a consultant and write at least 3 more books(minimum), before the opportunity comes for me to go on to the next life. I want a quality of life, not necessarily quantity.
Have a great week and ponder the above advice closely.
Mike Greer
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